Snow emergency

A Snow Emergency is the term used to indicate the active response plan when a snow storm severely impacts a city, county or town in the United States or Canada. Schools, universities, government offices, airports and public buildings may close during a Snow Emergency. The precise meaning of "snow emergency" varies depending on the issuing municipality. Minneapolis, Minnesota defines a snow emergency as a predefined-duration period of specific parking rules to allow snowplows to move about the entire breadth of every city street[1]. On the other hand, Ohio snow emergencies are declared as one of three levels; each level defines the recommended or mandated actions of the general public due to severe winter weather.[2]

Typically, a Snow Emergency is declared by the mayor or other high official[3]. The declaration is usually issued after the winter storm has impacted a city or county. This is not a product issued by the National Weather Service, however, Winter Storm Warnings, Blizzard Warnings, and Winter Weather Advisories are taken into account when declaring a Snow Emergency. Snow emergencies are a common occurrence during the winter snowfall season in the Northern United States. The general public is alerted to Snow Emergency status via local broadcast stations, mass text messaging services, and public address systems.

During life-threatening winter storms, a State of Emergency may be declared for an entire state. This declaration overrules a county issued Snow Emergency.

Example - Ohio Snow Emergency Levels

Level One Snow Emergency: indicates that roadways are hazardous and that people should drive with extreme caution. During a Level One Snow Emergency, motorists are forbidden to park along side streets and along roadways with signage prohibiting parking during a Snow Emergency. Vehicles may be fined or towed if they are not removed from designated Snow Emergency routes. A sustained snowfall of about 4-8 inches will likely cause a Level One Snow Emergency to be declared in some counties.

Level Two Snow Emergency: indicates that all driving is discouraged and that you should call ahead before heading to work. Only essential travel is recommended during a Level Two Snow Emergencies. Schools and some businesses do not operate during a Level Two Snow Emergency. A sustained snowfall of about 6-10 inches will likely cause a Level Two Snow Emergency to be declared in some counties.

Level Three Snow Emergency: indicates that all public roadways are closed to the general public. Only police and emergency vehicles should be on the roads. People can be arrested if they decide to drive on public roadways in a non-emergency situation. If a Level Three Snow Emergency is declared when students are at school or when a public building is open, attempts should be made by officials to supply the general public with food and potable water. A sustained snowfall of about 10-12 inches will likely cause a Level Three Snow Emergency to be declared in some counties.

See also
